
Masteri provides workshops and training on a broad range of personal and professional topics. These can be delivered either via our video conferencing service or in person at your own premises.

Why the Masteri Team?

Michael Tabirade has been an engaging, empowering, educational and entertaining speaker and facilitator for years. Together with his fellow Masteri Crew, dynamic, action-focused and informative workshops and trainings are created.

Topic include: Leadership development, High-Performance and Managing through Change. You can be sure that the attendees will be leaving inspired, informed and equipped.

Courses and workshops

For Individual Self starters & Students

  • Creating a High Performance Day
  • Becoming a Magnetic Public Speaker
  • The Masterplan: 12-weeks of Mastery
  • The Masteri Method ©

For Organizations & Teams

  • Strategic Change Management for Leaders
  • Building High-Performance Teams
  • Effective Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leadership Development in the 21st Century

If there is something that you don’t see here but would like training on, feel free to contact us.

Contact Us

If you have a media enquiry or want to discuss booking us to speak at one of your events then please email us at

Sign up to our Free Weekly Newsletter

If you are interested in learning about leadership models, high-performance and how you can improve delivery in personal and professional life, then sign up to Michael Tabirade’s weekly newsletter. It’s packed with interesting insights centred on experience, evidence and empowerment.

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