Business & Media

Want to work with the Masteri Team? We offer a range of services from speaking engagements to workshops, to helping you with your organisational development for corporates, universities and charities.

Speaking & Media

The Masteri Team have extensive experience speaking for various organisations, such as government organisations, charities, universities and private corporations. They speak with an engaging, empowering and educational style on topics pertaining to leadership within the workplace, emotional intelligence and mental wellbeing.


The Masteri Team delivers training on a wide range of personal and professional topics. They are able to deliver team facilitations, workshops and seminars, as well as action learning sets. They are well versed in these spaces and have the experience and training to back it up, whether this is via video conference call, or in person in your organisation’s building.


The Masteri Team can provide consultancy services, via contractual agreement, on a retainer or on a per-project basis. This can be specific to corporations, universities and charities. Services include organisational redesign, Health & Wellbeing Analysis, and Training and Skills Gap Analysis.

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