Case Studies

Explore our detailed case studies to see how we’ve successfully navigated complex challenges in the public sector, delivering impactful and sustainable results through strategic programme management, digital transformation, and expert leadership. These were all led by Michael Tabirade, Principal Consultant & Contractor.

Case Study 1: Natural England Strengthening Delivery Programme

Natural England was facing challenges in operational efficiency and service delivery across its national programs. The organization needed to streamline its processes, improve stakeholder engagement, and ensure that performance metrics were consistently met. There was also a need to enhance the alignment between regional operations and national strategies to strengthen overall delivery.

As Programme Manager, I led the Strengthening Delivery program, focusing on enhancing the operational framework and governance structures. I conducted a comprehensive scoping workshop to align team roles and responsibilities and established robust project management frameworks. I implemented standardized KPIs and delivery metrics across regions, ensuring 100% completion of quarterly performance reports. Additionally, I led the development of resource reallocation plans to improve operational efficiency and the programme achieved a reduction in customer service caseloads by 93%.

The program successfully improved operational alignment across all regions, leading to more cohesive and efficient service delivery. The standardized KPIs and performance metrics ensured that all teams were meeting their targets, resulting in improved stakeholder satisfaction and more effective resource utilization. The program’s success also led to significant cost savings and a stronger alignment between regional and national strategies.

People in a Meeting

Case Study 2: NHS Digital Child Health Program

The Digital Child Health Program aimed to integrate fragmented child health records across 21 Child Health Record Departments (CHRDs) in London. The lack of standardized digital systems led to inefficiencies, high administrative costs, and inconsistent data management, hindering the effective delivery of the Healthy Child Programme.

As the Digital Child Health Project Manager, I led the integration of 21 CHRDs into four regional hubs. I conducted a thorough gap analysis to identify inefficiencies and optimization opportunities. I also managed the tender process for selecting four Child Health Information Service (CHIS) hubs and a central clinical system provider. Additionally, I facilitated the data migration of 52.5 million data points and implemented a governance and risk management framework, including monthly performance and contract management meetings.

The integration resulted in a 50% reduction in administrative costs and a significant improvement in data consistency and accessibility. The standardized digital records enhanced the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme, leading to better decision-making and improved patient care for over 14 million children. The project also set a new benchmark for digital health services in the region, contributing to overall public health improvement.

Photo of Women at the Meeting

Case Study 3: UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) was tasked with managing workforce resourcing and program management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The organization faced challenges in scaling up its workforce rapidly while maintaining operational efficiency and adhering to stringent government guidelines.

As Workforce & Resourcing Lead and PMO Lead, I streamlined the recruitment and onboarding processes, successfully hiring over 50 specialist roles within 12 weeks. I also managed the redesign of the organizational chart in response to changing policies and budget requirements. In my role as PMO Lead, I established governance and reporting frameworks, ensuring that all projects were delivered on time and within scope. I also implemented a RAID (Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies) management process to maintain accurate project records and mitigate risks.

The rapid hiring and onboarding of specialists enabled UKHSA to meet its critical staffing needs during the pandemic. The redesigned organizational structure improved operational efficiency and ensured compliance with government guidelines. The robust governance and reporting frameworks enhanced accountability and transparency across all projects, contributing to UKHSA’s overall success in managing the public health crisis.

Businesspeople in a Meeting

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